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Welcome Congo Pod!


(Divisions 5, 6, & 7)


At-Home Learning Activities 

That Also Earn You House Points!

Dear Parents and Students,


         It is our hope that this website will help all students from the Grade 2/3 Pod easily navigate the activities, links, and videos for each week during at-home learning. This website reinforces the week-at-a-glance guide that is emailed to you at the beginning of each week by your classroom teachers.


We are all in this together!

Thank you for being our partners in your child's education!



Miss. Dobbie

Mr. and Mrs. Huang

Mrs. McRae

Mrs. Martin (ELL)

Mrs. Rutherford (Resource)

Mr. Thiessen



  • Use the menu bar at the top of this page (Home Page) to select the week's activities.


  • Each week is divided into the specific days of the week.


  • The activities, links, and videos required for each day will be easily accessible.


  • Many activities will earn students house points for their animal teams. Please tally the points at the end of the week and email them to (Please include your child's house team name: geckos, jaguars, or parrots.)


  • Take your time. You don’t need to rush. Enjoy the content, chuckle at your silly teachers, and be open to new ideas and learning! Oh, and earn house points too!​

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