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Kindness Mission


Each day at 7:00 pm, step outside your home (with your family) and make some noise (use your voice, instruments or anything that makes noise) for all the essential workers who help to take care of our community (ex. nurses, doctors, paramedics, hospital cleaning staff, grocery store clerks, truck drivers, etc.).

Kindness Mission
Monday, June 8th

Let's Write! 

Today's Topic:
If you could have superpowers, what would they be?
Would you be a hero or a villain?

Draw yourself as a superhero or villain and colour in your drawing.

Use the PDF or write/draw in your journal.

1. Instructions:


  • ​​​Write for at least 10 minutes.

  • Write in your journal or special writer’s notebook.

  • Pick any topic you like or use the topic for today.


2. Look Over Your Work and Ask Yourself:​


  • Does my writing make sense?

  • Is there a better way to say that?

  • Did I try to use some interesting and descriptive words?

  • Did I start with a capital letter and end with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark?


3. Make Corrections and Changes to Your Writing.


4. When You Are Finished:


  • Scan or take a picture of your work and upload it to your portfolio (myBlueprint).

Reading Time 

While you are reading, make a list of 2 to 3 words that are unfamiliar.

What do you think the meanings of these words could be?

Then, look them up in a dictionary to find out or Google them. Were you close?

Math Activity 

Roll two dice at least twenty times

and record the sum (adding the numbers)

for each roll in a table or chart.


Which sum is rolled most often?

Which sum is rolled least often?

What sum is the most likely?

What sum is the least likely?


Explain your thinking.



Create a bar graph

to share your results.


What questions could you ask about your graph?











Scan or upload a picture of your work to your portfolio

(my Blueprint).



Optional Math Activities:​

  • Sign in to Mathletics after finishing today's math assignment.  Check out the “Explore” and “Play” sections. 


  • Choose a math game you know how to play. (You could use a 100s chart, your computer/tablet, dice or cards.)

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You've Got to Move It, Move It!

*Today's Special Task:  Go for a walk, bike ride, or follow along with a dance video. Keep track of how far you biked or walked or how long you danced.


Email your kms or dance time to

 House Points

10 Points = Complete your superhero writing and drawing

25 Points = Complete your Rolling Dice bar graph

Tuesday, June 9th

Let's Write!

Today's Topic:
Superheroes protect people and their rights.
Children have the right to be safe, healthy, and go to school.

Watch this video:

Afterwards, think about how you could be a superhero who protects the rights of children.
Choose one of the following rights:
  • safety
  • good health
  • going to school

How would you make sure ALL children in the world can have this right? 

1. Instructions:


  • ​​​Write for at least 10 minutes.

  • Write in your journal or special writer’s notebook.

  • Pick any topic you like or use the topic for today.


2. Look Over Your Work and Ask Yourself:​


  • Does my writing make sense?

  • Is there a better way to say that?

  • Did I try to use some interesting and descriptive words?

  • Did I start with a capital letter and end with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark?


3. Make Corrections and Changes to Your Writing.


4. When You Are Finished:


  • Scan or take a picture of your work when it is completed and upload it to your portfolio (myBlueprint).

House Points

30 Points = Complete your Children's rights activity in your journal

20 Points = Use at least 5 of the suggested math words when describing your math spinner

Reading Time

Word Hunt

While you are reading, try and find a few interesting words that might describe a superhero.


Try to use these words in your writing today.

Math Activity 

Here is a 0 -9 spinner.


What is the likelihood/chance

of spinning each number?


Is spinning a number

on a red spot

more or less likely than

spinning a number

on a green spot?


What other questions could you ask about the spinner?


Use the following words to describe your thinking:

  • likely

  • unlikely

  • more likely

  • less likely

  • equally likely

  • a chance

  • not a chance

  • possible

  • impossible


Scan or upload a picture of your work to your portfolio (myBlueprint).



Optional Math Activities:

  • Sign in to Mathletics after finishing today's math assignment.  Check out the “Explore” and “Play” sections. 


  • Choose a math game you know how to play. (You could use a 100s chart, your computer/tablet, dice or cards.)




Taking Care of Myself 

*Today's Special Task:  


Use string, yarn, or streamers to create a challenging "Laser Beam Maze" to practice your Superhero moves and work on your Superhero flexibility.

**Painters tape is the safest tape to use on walls and doors.



  • Ask permission from an adult

  • Choose a hallway that is free of breakable objects

  • Clean up after you are finished


Wednesday, June 10th


Let's Write!

Reading Time

Before you read today,

make some predictions about what

you might learn (nonfiction)

or what might happen in your story (fiction).


Find clues in the title, pictures, and in details

from the previous chapter (chapter books).

Today's Topic:
Make your own Superhero Comic! 
                   bubbles are talking bubbles.
                 bubbles are thinking bubbles.
                  bubbles are sound bubbles
                  (POW! BAM! POOF!)
Fill in the bubbles to tell the reader how your superhero got the object safely out of the tree.

One day, the superhero _________ found a  __________ stuck in a tree.

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Use the PDF or draw/write in your journal.

1. Instructions:


  • ​​​Write for at least 10 minutes.

  • Write in your journal or special writer’s notebook.

  • Pick any topic you like or use the topic for today.


2. Look Over Your Work and Ask Yourself:​


  • Does my writing make sense?

  • Is there a better way to say that?

  • Did I try to use some interesting and descriptive words?

  • Did I start with a capital letter and end with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark?


3. Make Corrections and Changes to Your Writing.


4. When You Are Finished:


  • Scan or take a picture of your work when it is completed and upload it to your portfolio (myBlueprint).

Math Activity

Choose three colours.


Walk around your home

or neighbourhood

and use tally marks to

count and record

how many things you see

that have one of the three colours.


Create a bar graph or table to represent your findings.


What colour was the most common?

Why do you think that is?


Scan or upload a picture of your work to your portfolio (myBlueprint).


Optional Math Activities:

  • Sign in to Mathletics after finishing today's math assignment.  Check out the “Explore” and “Play” sections. 


  • Choose a math game you know how to play. (You could use a 100s chart, your computer/tablet, dice or cards.)

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Written, Illustrated AND Read


Oliver Jeffers


House Points

10 Points = Complete your Math Tallies activity

25 Points = Complete your Superhero Comic

*Extra 50 Points = Colour in you comic and send a picture to

10 Points = Listen to the story "STUCK" by Oliver Jeffers

Thursday, June 11th

Let's Write!

Today's Topic:
Brainstorm ways someone can be a hero.

What do heroes say? 
How do they act?
What do they do?

Who is an everyday superhero in your life?
Are they in your family or are they a friend?
Are they someone who works in our community?
Write about the special superhero in your life.
Tell us what they do, say, or how they act that makes them a hero.
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Use the PDF to brainstorm or draw/write in your journal.

1. Instructions:


  • ​​​Write for at least 10 minutes.

  • Write in your journal or special writer’s notebook.

  • Pick any topic you like or use the topic for today.


2. Look Over Your Work and Ask Yourself:​


  • Does my writing make sense?

  • Is there a better way to say that?

  • Did I try to use some interesting and descriptive words?

  • Did I start with a capital letter and end with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark?


3. Make Corrections and Changes to Your Writing.


4. When You Are Finished:


  • Scan or take a picture of your work when it is completed and upload it to your portfolio (myBlueprint).

Reading Time

While reading today, ask yourself questions about the text.

What inferences can you make based on the clues?

Math Activity

Here is the weather forecast

for a week:











What do you think the chances are of it snowing on Saturday?


What weather do you predict for Saturday?


Use some of the following words to describe your thinking:

  • likely

  • unlikely

  • more likely

  • less likely

  • equally likely

  • a chance

  • not a chance

  • possible

  • impossible



Scan or upload a picture of your work to your portfolio (myBlueprint).



Optional Math Activities:

  • Sign in to Mathletics after finishing today's math assignment.  Check out the “Explore” and “Play” sections. 


  • Choose a math game you know how to play. (You could use a 100s chart, your computer/tablet, dice or cards.)

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Taking Care of Myself

*Today's Special Task:  


Go for a walk, bike ride, or follow along with a dance video. Keep track of how far you biked or walked or how long you danced.


Email your kms or dance time to

House Points

10 Points = Complete Everyday Hero Brainstorm activity

20 Points = Write about a hero in your life in your journal

10 Points = Walk, run, bike, or dance for KM Club 

Friday, June 12th

Let's Write!

Today's Topic:

Pick one piece of your writing from the last few weeks and rewrite it by using the 3, 2, 1 Edit strategy.
3 - Correct 3 spelling, punctuation, or spacing errors.

2 - Make 2 word changes by replacing, erasing, or adding 2 words.

1 - Change one of your sentences by rearranging, erasing, or adding to it to make it sound better.
What was your favourite activity or class this year at school?
Write 5 reasons why you like it.

1. Instructions:


  • ​​​Write for at least 10 minutes.

  • Write in your journal or special writer’s notebook.

  • Pick any topic you like or use the topic for today.


2. Look Over Your Work and Ask Yourself:​


  • Does my writing make sense?

  • Is there a better way to say that?

  • Did I try to use some interesting and descriptive words?

  • Did I start with a capital letter and end with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark?


3. Make Corrections and Changes to Your Writing.


4. When You Are Finished:


  • Scan or take a picture of your work when it is completed and upload it to your portfolio (myBlueprint).

Reading Time

After reading today, retell the main events or key points you read about.

Math Activity

Design a math game that is based

on chance.


For example:

A chance game often involves

  • rolling dice

  • using a spinner

  • using playing cards


It is chance what number you will roll or spin or what cards you will receive.


It could be:

a dice game

or a card game

or a board game


Think about what your family’s interests are and what they would enjoy playing.


Draw or write instructions for your game and teach it to someone.


Ask for feedback on your game and think about how you could improve it?


Scan or upload a picture of your work to your portfolio (myBlueprint).



Optional Math Activities:

  • Sign in to Mathletics after finishing today's math assignment.  Check out the “Explore” and “Play” sections. 


  • Choose a math game you know how to play. (You could use a 100s chart, your computer/tablet, dice or cards.)

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Story Time with The Mischievous Librarian

A Normal Pig

Written and illustrated by K-FAI STEELE


Slideshow by Mrs. MacLean

Langley Picture Book of the Year #9

House Points

10 Points = Complete your 3-2-1 Edit writing OR Favourite Class writing

20 Points = Listen to Storytime with the Mischievous Librarian

100 Points = Create a Chance Game for the math activity

10 points = Email your grand total of house points for the week to

10 Points = Email your grand total of house points for the week to

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