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You are not alone, Gumshoes, in your quest to capture Carmen Sandiego and her crew.


We have enlisted two highly-trained detectives to help you.


Detective Doris is a thirty-year veteran of the crime-fighting organization Interpol. 


She has tracked Carmen Sandiego all over the world for the past ten years.  Sadly, she has remained one step behind the criminal mastermind. 


In her last year before retirement, Detective Doris has vowed to apprehend Carmen and her gang at all costs.  She has enlisted the aid of Scotland Yard in order to help with the last and most important case of her career.

*Retirement: The time when a person stops working at their job, usually in their later years of life.


*Apprehend:  Arrest a criminal.


*Scotland Yard: The detective department of the London (England) police.


Detective Doris


Sergeant Susan is a new recruit from Scotland Yard.  She is young and eager to help Detective Doris with the Carmen Sandiego file. 


She has new ideas about the case and she has been trained in the latest and greatest police technology.


Sergeant Susan cares a lot about this case and hopes that it will help her move up the ranks.  If Carmen Sandiego and her crew are arrested, it will put Susan at the top of the list to replace Detective Doris after she retires.

Sergeant Susan


*Technology: Machines and equipment made to help humans do things.

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